Now you understand the benefits of having a blog page on your business website you might be wondering how to achieve that.
If your website has been built by a web developer, contact them and ask them to add a blog page to your website. It’s not a big job and shouldn’t take long at all. It’s simply a matter of ‘add a blog page’ and then there are a few little design tweaks to do.

If you have built your website on a platform such as WIX, it’s the same procedure. Just go to your website edit platform and add a blog page. If you need assistance go to the help section. Or you can look at videos or tutorials on YouTube.
It might seem like a bit of effort is required to start with but it’s worth it. Need a recap as to why? Here’s a reminder.
Once you have a blog page on your business website, it’s time to get published! Are you struggling to think of things to publish on your blog page? Here’s a helping hand…
Not confident about writing or don't have the time? Contact me today for more information about my business blog writing services.
Call 07800887857 or email rachel.roussell@gmail.com