Do you need blog articles for your website?
A blog can stand on its own or be a page on a website where you publish blog articles. A blog gives added value to a website, it is a great social media asset and SEO relevant. Blogging builds brand awareness, an opportunity to share relevant and insightful information. You can reveal your expertise and help a person make a buying decision by publishing informative blog articles. Have you heard of vlogging? It's the same concept but in video format. Blogging is an excellent social media asset.

Blog article ideas.
Niche topics
Hot topics
A how-to guide
A step-by-step guide
Industry news
Personal reflection
Service or product information
Advice or opinions
Special offers
How to create a blog article.
A blog article is an easy-to-read informal piece of writing. It should be clear and compelling with relevant titles, subtitles and hook lines. It should show the human side of a business, educate the reader, reveal expertise and build credibility.
How to:
Choose your topic
Look at what other people are writing about
Research your topic
Decide on word count, depending on the topic, anything from 500 to 2000 words
Be aware of plagiarism and copyright
Use images that you own or purchase
Quote the source of important information like statistics or recommendations
Consider SEO when choosing titles, subtitles, keywords and phrases
Choose a tone and style of writing
Spell check
Use contributors if relevant
Brainstorm with a team to discuss topics if helpful
Ask someone to check your article and get feedback if you aren't a confident writer
Use a copywriter if preferred
Think of a beginning, middle and end
Recycle old content
If the articles are for marketing purposes, end with a call-to-action, give the reader answers to potential questions
Insert links to other articles or areas on your website
Use hook lines, engaging sentences and persuasive writing
Be creative and different if the topic lends itself to that
If you don't want to write a blog article but still want to publish on your blog page, try vlogging. People enjoy watching short informative videos
Review your article when published. Update statistics, links, costs, descriptions or any changes that should be shared
Use your blog articles or vlogs as a social media asset
Use your website analytics to find out what content you are publishing is popular. Find out what isn't popular and don't waste anymore time on those topics